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Start in the center, right? I’ve got strong cords for God’s calling, my work, family, and others branching out to hold my structure. Sounds good so far. Weave my efforts from calling through the next section of family and around others…keep going…to a few inches’ start. As long as I can keep focused and go slowly, the pattern looks great. No missed spines or rows. But, I can’t spend all of eternity weaving this basket. At the plod of perfectionism, it’ll take two lifetimes to finish this. A literal deadline looms ahead. I have to weave faster. Just as I’m getting the hang of weaving faster, the shape expands. I have to cover more area in the same amount of time? I got a rhythm on the calling part, but missed a payment. That could set my column out of shape a bit. Can’t miss it again. I didn’t get the house cleaning done. Time for laundry, and then work. Record keeping needs attention there, or it’ll get distorted. Oh, and extended family will be in town. I have three days to my event. Must weave faster, better steps. Missed sleep. Trying to fix it with relaxation, but now I’m behind on my deadline…

What kind of funky looking basket am I gonna end up with here, anyway? I’ve been trying to do all these things at once, and it doesn’t look like I accomplished anything. Is there anyone who did this right? Somebody who can help me out here?

Well, it just so happens, I do know a Guy.

The Master has been waiting for me to ask for help on this project. He said I could sit closer to Him so that I can hear Him call out the step-by-step instructions.

“Master, what about the top of the basket? How do you create the finished look in the end?”

He told me we’d get to the end when it’s time. I just have to listen for His voice and follow His guidance. He’ll tell me when to weave time over my calling and when to attend to the other details. I can get His help with a weekly pattern, so I don’t miss payments or stress out during visits with family. 

Well, that sounds less overwhelming already. And, even if I can’t envision how this basket will look when it’s done, I look forward to weaving it at my Master’s side. Thanks be to God!